Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Maine Agenda: 14 peaks, 6-days

    Last week we took off for Maine with the goal to climb all 14 of Maine’s 4,000 foot summits.  There are 115 mountains over 4,000 feet in the northeast; 48 in New York, 48 in New Hampshire, 14 in Maine, and 5 in Vermont. We are trying to climb them all, and going into the trip…

  • 2016 Cerini Challenge

    Part I For this year’s Cerini Challenge, Ken Cerini traveled to Africa (July 18th-29th) and climbed Mount Kenya to raise awareness for the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to fight lymphatic disease and lymphedema through education, research and advocacy. On Sunday, July 24th I set out to climb Mt…

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